Forward along to those UI gurus you know who want to join a team building
something big.
We are a well-funded, early-stage consumer web startup:
Who thinks figuring out how to invest your money is too difficult.  We have
a vision of how to revolutionize the way people invest and are looking for a
user interface guru who can play a key role in designing our product.  We
just raised a multi-million dollar round of financing from a top silicon
valley venture capital firm, and we are two months away from launching our
product.  The founding team has years of experience building consumer
internet products that have been used by millions of customers and have
generated well over $100MM in profit.  Our team includes a dozen really
smart and fun people who have worked at companies including Amazon, Google,
Yahoo, Facebook, and Microsoft.If you want to play a critical role as an
early member of a consumer web startup which could reshape the investment
industry, we need to talk.
You are a User Interface Architect who is adept at:

  - Innovative approaches to UI design (AJAX, Flex/Actionscript/Flash)
  - Designing and implementing production websites (HTML, CSS, XML,
  Javascript, etc.)
  - HCI principles and UI best practices, and incorporating this
  experience into the concept development process
  - Building technology at the crossroads of back-end functionality and
  front-end design
  - Managing cross-browser compatibility issues
  - LAMP (PHP, Python, Perl)

You are also someone who:

  - Is scary smart and someone we can trust will find the right answers
  to hard problems you may have never solved before
  - Is technically brilliant, versatile, and creative
  - Your teammates love working with (you also have friends like you who
  would love to work with you as we continue to grow)
  - Will passionately bust your ass at the prospect of building
  something that will change the way people invest
  - Has valuable* experience* designing *consumer web *applications with
  *performance*, *scalability*, *stability*, and *security* in mind

You will:

  - Play a key role in the creation of the user interface for our
  - Start with ideas, design products and features, architect a
  technical solution, then build, test, and launch it
  - Be an integral member of our team and help shape our future
  - Help build and grow the engineering team as we expand over time --
  if you also want to lead this team, that's in the cards depending on

We will:

  - Be a group of the smartest, most trustworthy, passionate, and
  interesting people you know
  - Make sure you have what you need to be happy and productive
  - Compensate you with a exciting mixture of cash and equity
  - Make great teammates united around a vision of how to solve some
  meaningful problems for people

*Interested candidates should send your resume to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please also include in your email a summary what you're been up to for the
past few years that makes you the right person for our team.*

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