Our backend application is pumping a large number of messages through an 
queue (upwards of 6,000 typically) to our frontend application (Flex based) 
through Flex 
Data Services. 

We are using Jconsole to track the number of messages that go in to the queue, 
and the 
number of messages that get pulled off of the queue. In our testing, 100% of 
the time Flex 
Data Services consumes 100% of the messages off of the queue. Roughly 30% of 
the time 
however, the Flex application's Consumer receives only a small portion of the 
messages from FDS (the number varies, but it is usually around 5-10% of the 

We have looked through the FDS documentation extensively, and added all 
settings to both our messaging-config.xml and our services-config, here are 
excerpts of those settings:

Our queue as defined in messaging-config.xml:

                <destination id="MQ00001">
                <adapter ref="jms" />

                        <channel ref="my-rtmp" />
As you can see, we are setting generous values for our max-cache-size (number 
messages to cache), and making sure that our messages live forever on the 
queue, and we 
are also ensuring delivery by setting their durable setting to true. We also 
ensure that our 
consumers never automatically disconnect from the queue (session-timeout = 0).

Our RTMP channel definition in services-config.xml: 

        <channel-definition id="my-rtmp" 
            <endpoint uri="rtmp://{server.name}:443" 

Again, we are setting generous values for all of our values here to ensure 
delivery of 

We had initially thought that perhaps this was based on the UDP protocol and 
were getting dropped (for whatever reason). After some research, we are led to 
that RTMP (the protocol of which these messages are transferred over) is based 
on TCP, 
which would mean that there shouldn't be any dropping of packets. We have 
pretty much 
ruled this out as a possible problem.

Does anybody have any experience with these types of issues? Or any thoughts on 
else we might look at for settings, optimization, etc?

Help for any Adobe guys or general gurus in Flex Data Services would be much 

Thanks for your time,


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