I must be missing something obvious because I'm not seeing why you
would fiddle around with compiling mxml files on the server, just put
the binaries there.  I think this step needs looking at:

> 2. Compile MXML using Flex builder on AIX.

Is there a flex builder for AIX?  I doubt it and I don't really see
why you need it.  Flex builder will generate a *.swf file for you. 
That swf file runs in the FlashPlayer running in the browser of the
end user, not on the server.  The target O/S for the swf is Windows
unless your client is a very weird world of the end users having AIX
on their desktop.  If they do, turn the job down, change your phone
numbers and run in the opposite direction very fast :-)

Your application server just delivers the swf file to the end user's
browser.  What you do need is AIX software on the server end to
respond to the requests that the swf will make back to the server. 
That's what you downloaded when you went and got the Adobe fds for AIX.

What you need to do is get all the bits together on the AIX machine in
a WAR file which will run on AIX under the application server in
question.  Once you have done that, then try deploying it.

If you are expected to support this then you'll end up buying AIX
hardware, you'll have no choice.  

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "sanjaypmg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi SP,
> Thanks for your quick response.... Though AIX hardware is up and 
> running at client end so that wouldn't be an issue.. Here we are 
> using Java components to communicate with the backend.
> Actually this needs to be test at the client end so I need to tell 
> them some instruction to follow. I have made 2 scenarios to do the 
> same, which I have given below:
> First of all you need to figure out whether Server is AIX and 
> Clients are Windows or Server is AIX and Clients are AIX as well.
> If the first scenario is implanted at ING, you need to configure FDS 
> with the swallowtech application on AIX and no need to compile MXML 
> file. If the second scenario is there, you will have to do both the 
> task:
> 1. Configure FDS with SwallowTech application on AIX
> 2. Compile MXML using Flex builder on AIX.
> The steps to compile the file:
> Once you through these steps:
> 1 Make a fresh project using FlexBuilder. 
> 2 Place all the enclosed files in the same project folder.
> 3 Place the "assets" folder also from the existing 
> 4 path "swallowtech.war\jsp\work"
> 5 Open enclosed workFlowmonitor.mxml.
> Since you have much experience in AIX and much expertise in AIX, 
> kindly suggest more scenarios or correct me if I am wrong somewhere.
> It would be a great help from your side.....
> Thanks in Advance,
> SS
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "simonjpalmer" <simonjpalmer@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I should start by saying that I have not done this with flex, but I
> > have both lead and been involved in many projects where we have 
> had to
> > retro-fit to IBM.  The experience has been chastening and it is 
> never
> > a straighforward task.  Have you got your AIX hardware up and 
> running
> > with the IBM software actually operating yet?  Have you identified 
> any
> > expertise either internally or externally who has experience in 
> AIX? 
> > Have you teased out of your client (or whoever is requesting this
> > step) whether it stops at AIX or whether you need to go to DB2 and
> > WebSphere?  If not then go and do that first.
> > 
> > I'm not sure why you would need to compile any flex code under 
> AIX. 
> > The only reason to do that would be if your clients were running 
> their
> > browsers on AIX.  Is that the case?  The swf and html you generate 
> in
> > flex is piped across to the client machine and run there inside the
> > FlashPlayer, not on the server.  So I don't think you need the Flex
> > Builder anywhere other than Windows (or maybe Mac if you prefer to
> > work on a Mac) because your clients are probably running IE on 
> Windows.
> > 
> > As for the server, how you should do it and how hard your job will 
> be
> > will depend upon the language you have implemented your server side
> > components in, the application server you are using and the 
> features
> > of your app.  If you have a database my bet is the next question
> > you'll get asked is to put it on DB2 and WebSphere, it's part of 
> the
> > IBM religious canon.
> > 
> > If you have a C++ back end then you'll need to get familiar with 
> the
> > AIX compiler and get ready to have to change all your code.  If you
> > are C# I have no clue how you would go about it, although I bet 
> there
> > is a story.  If you are Java you are in better shape, but watch out
> > for differences in XML parsers and compliance to "standard" 
> interfaces
> > like SQL/JDBC.  IBM are as bad as Microsoft for implementing their 
> own
> > versions of standards.
> > 
> > You have done the right thing by downloading the AIX server 
> components
> > from Adobe.  Now you need to assemble your server in whatever AIX
> > technology is available.  Get AIX releases of your app server,
> > database etc. and get it all that stood up and running and 
> delivering
> > pages of any kind.  You will probably find all sorts of challenges
> > with that alone if this is your first time with IBM.
> > 
> > Once you have done that, and presuming you have been reasonably 
> well
> > behaved, then in theory you should be able to recompile your Java 
> code
> > under AIX and it should run (in theory you should be able to just
> > deploy the same Java component, but that is very unlikely to 
> work).  I
> > think you have enough work just to get there.  I suspect your
> > situation will either change or become clearer once you have got to
> > that point.
> > 
> > Best of luck
> > SP
> > 
> > Unrequested editorial comment:  If it wasn't for IBM strong-arming 
> its
> > partners, AIX/DB2/WebSphere would have been consigned to the 
> dustbin
> > years ago.  It's not that they are really that bad - although DB2 
> is a
> > bit of a nightmare - it's not even because they are very difficult 
> and
> > subtle and the skills are not widely available - although that is 
> all
> > true too, the real kicker is that there are better things out there
> > which are either free or lower cost.  The IBM "blue stack" only 
> exists
> > because IBM would look very silly taking anything else into its
> > clients and it forces its partners and customers to comply because 
> of
> > its size and because it wants license revenue from its software
> > products which it would otherwise never get.  Eventually this 
> rigging
> > of the market will have to stop and I thought they had seen sense 
> with
> > their investment in Linux, but the AIX dinosaur rolls on.
> > 
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "sanjaypmg" <sanjaypmg@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi All,
> > > 
> > > I have developed an application for windows... Its working fine 
> > > everywhere but now I have to make the whole application running 
> on 
> > > AIX too... 
> > > 
> > > Can anyone tell me, how can I do it?
> > > 
> > > I mean What are the steps or some installation guidelines to 
> compile 
> > > the MXMLs for AIX..
> > > 
> > > I have already downloaded "Flex Data Services 2 Express" for AIX 
> > > from ADOBE.com.
> > > 
> > > I have already "Flex Build for Windows", Do I need to 
> download "Flex 
> > > Builder 2" for MAC or other OS?
> > > 
> > > Once I get these sofwares, which steps do I need to follow to 
> make 
> > > my application working on AIX?
> > > 
> > > Please help to do the same.....
> > > 
> > > Thanks in Advance....
> > > SS
> > >
> >

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