Thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn't work :(. Do you need the
latest version of Flex 2 for that to work?  I didn't install the latest
upgrade (2.1 I believe).

When I tried it, I got the following error.

TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.
     at test/clickedList()
     at test/___Button1_click()

Also, in the debugger, IList(myTiles.dataProvider) cannot be evaluated,
and neither can IList(myTiles.dataProvider).getItemAt(any_number)

Any more ideas? I really need help with this and I appreciate any
suggestions! Thank you.


--- In, "bhaq1972" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the getItemAt() function is available but not like the flex 1.5 way.
> you can do the following
> import mx.collections.IList;
> public function clickedList():void {
> //myTiles.getItemAt(1).testFunction();
> IList(myTiles.dataProvider).getItemAt(1).testFunction();
> etc
> --- In, "erinwyher" erinwyher@ wrote:
> >
> > In Flex 1.5, you use getItemAt() to call functions from the
> children
> > of the TileList, but that method no longer exists in F2. Any
> > suggestions to do this?
> >
> > Here is some sample code:
> >
> > test.mxml:
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <mx:Application
> >  xmlns:mx="";
> >  xmlns:view="view.*"
> >  layout="absolute"
> >  creationComplete="doInit()">
> >  <mx:Script>
> >   <![CDATA[
> >    public var arrTest:Array;
> >
> >    public function doInit():void {
> >     arrTest = [1,2,3,4];
> >     myTiles.dataProvider = arrTest;
> >    }
> >    public function clickedList():void {
> >     //myTiles.getItemAt(1).testFunction
> ();
> >     //I want to call a function here for
> a specific set of tiles...
> > how do I do that without getItemAt?
> >     //Note: getChildAt does not work
> either
> >    }
> >   ]]>
> >  </mx:Script>
> > <mx:Button label="click me" click="clickedList()"/>
> >
> > <mx:TileList id="myTiles" width="660"
> itemRenderer="view.TestComponent"/>
> >
> > </mx:Application>
> >
> > TestComponent.mxml
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""; width="40"
> > height="30" backgroundColor="#FF3366">
> > <mx:Script>
> >  <![CDATA[
> >   import mx.controls.Alert;
> >
> >   public function testFunction():void {
> >'hi');
> >   }
> >  ]]>
> > </mx:Script>
> > </mx:Canvas>
> >

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