want to be able to perform a particular operation on a number of
separate, unconnected clients on exactly the same moment(e.g. they
should start blinking a piece of info at exactly the same moment with
the same blinking frequency).

same moment relative to other unconnected clients or same moment relative to
start of application?

Please read this article, to get some idea on Timer's resolution and fps



On 11 Apr 2007 06:10:20 -0700, mark_nankman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  How accurately can operations be scheduled in Flash. For example, I
want to be able to perform a particular operation on a number of
separate, unconnected clients on exactly the same moment(e.g. they
should start blinking a piece of info at exactly the same moment with
the same blinking frequency).

Can this be guaranteed with Flash? If not, is there a way around it?


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