hi all,

I am implementing a actionscript function that takes in a function 
name as parameter. I want to use the passed in parameter as a 
callback function, just like mx:application creationComplete() does.

I am not able to get it to work.

In my MXML, I  have:

    public function initApp()

    public function initializeChart()

In another actionscript util class, I have:

public function initApp2(callbck:Function):void 
   var service:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
   service.url = chrtdefurl;
   service.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, chartDefLoaded); 
   var call:Object = service.send(); 
   call.callbck = callbck;

public function chartDefLoaded(event:ResultEvent):void
   chartDefXML = new XML(event.result);
   var call:Object = event.token;

I get error:

EvalError: Error #1066: The form function('function body') is not 
   at simpleline2/chartDefLoaded()

Any ideas?



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