Tnx guys, that did the trick. So when going online, this won't be a problem
if the swf is loaded of the same domain right? If it happens to be loaded
from another domain, the solution is to add a crossdomain.xml to the
webservive server?

Tnx, Ben

11 Apr 2007 16:22:27 -0700, Muzak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

  Flex Builder installs a "FlashPlayerTrust configuration file" for each

Read more about it here:


----- Original Message -----
From: "bnsmeets" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <>>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 3:05 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Calling Webservice from disk to http

Hi All,

Very strange thing happening to me. I have a local based Flex2 swf
which calls a http based webservice.

When i build the app (launches in browser with url like file://etc.)
the webservice is called and results are returned. (isn't this
supposed to be illegal by the sandbox definitions?).

The problem is, that if I mail someone else the entire "bin" directory
to test sometghing for me, the webservice isn't called :(

Whatever other computer than mine I use for testing, the webservice
stays silent. Only on my own PC it works.

To make it even weirder. If I copy the "bin" directory from the
building directory to e.g. c:\, the webservice fails if i run the
main.html inside the bin (works when running main.html from original
bin directory ).

I'm flabbergasted, anyone any ideas?

Greets, Ben Smeets

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