Hi All,

I've been pulling my hair out trying to work out how to do this, sure it's 
pretty easy but I'm finding myself confused :-/

What I'm trying to do is create a line chart with a dynamic number of series.

An example of the chart would be a line chart showing Sales per Month.  I'd 
like to have 1+ series shown, one for each year I send to the chart.  So you 
result in seeing a year-on-year analysis for X number of years.

My data is stored like this:

ChartData [ArrayCollection]

  -  series [ArrayCollection]

    - 0 [Array] (array of numbers, for the first year)
    - 1 [Array] (array of numbers, for the second year)
    - ..etc..etc..

  -  axis [ArrayCollection]
    - 0 [Array] (array of strings, these are the labels]

My question is, how do I map the datasource for a LineSeries to an element in 
an ArrayCollection?  I've tried the obvious thing of setting the datasource to 

Whatever I do, the result is a chart that doesn't show anything.  So I'm 
obviously doing something really stupid or wrong :-/

Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide some help..


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