Has anyone succesfully brought in a captivate SWF movie and manipulated 
it play(), stop(), etc... in Flex 2?

I looked into it, but couldnt find any info on what commands a 
captivate SWF movie can take (currently exports in Flash 8 and lower).  

The only thing I can think of that might work is creating a new flash 
movie (flash 8)  and creating local connections with play, stop etc.. 
commands and wrapping that around the captivate swf. 

Then in Flex 2 use the SWFLoader, then the same thing, except calling 
those local connection functions on the Flash movie side to manipulate 
the movie.

Any other ideas, or will this idea even work?

I am currently using an IFrame 

I would prefer to use the SWFLoader if its possible.

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