Hi Alex,

Alex Harui wrote:
> are you dispatchng events when the dataprovider item changes or calling
> itemUpdated on the collection?

No, I am not dispatching any events. I assumed the grid renderer would 
notice the value had changed. I guess I need to dispatch an event for 
this to occur. But I dont know where I'd need to do that.

I've got a basic working solution at the moment. Instead of extending 
Label for my renderer i'm extending DataGridItemRenderer.

I think extending Label was the cause of my original problem. I would 
still like to understand how to make it work when extending Label 
though. I have the feeling that it should have been trivial (if you'd 
like to write a blog entry about how it do it that would be great:).

Here is the current implementation. Note: Ive only tested this with a 
dataProvider that contained one object(row).

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 1" dataField="col1"

package view
     import helper.FNumber;
     import mx.controls.TextInput;
     import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
     import mx.controls.DataGrid;
     import mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter;    

     public class CurrencyEditor extends TextInput
        private var cformatter:CurrencyFormatter;
        private var _fNumber:FNumber;
        public function CurrencyEditor(){
                cformatter = new CurrencyFormatter();
                //Only allow the following characters to be entered.
                restrict = "$0-9\\.\\,";                

        override public function set data(value:Object):void{
                if (value != null){
                        super.data = value;
                        var dg:DataGrid = DataGrid(listData.owner);
                        var column:DataGridColumn = 
                        fNumber = data[column.dataField];
                         this.text = cformatter.format(fNumber.toString());
        public function get fNumber():FNumber{
                var dollarExp:RegExp = new RegExp("\\$","g");
                var commaExp:RegExp = new RegExp(",","g");
                var x:String = text.replace(dollarExp,"");
                x = x.replace(commaExp,"");
                        return new FNumber(new Number(x));

        public function set fNumber(v:FNumber):void{            
                this._fNumber = v;


package view
        import mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter; 
        import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer;

        public class CurrencyRenderer extends DataGridItemRenderer

                private var cformatter:CurrencyFormatter;
                public function CurrencyRenderer(){
                        cformatter = new CurrencyFormatter();
                override public function validateProperties():void{
                        this.text = cformatter.format(text);            


> Behalf Of shaun etherton
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:40 AM
> Subject: [flexcoders] custom datagrid item render not seeing changes
> made by custom datagrid item editor
> Hi,
> I'm having some trouble with a datagrid item editor and renderer. I 
> think I must have missed something obvious.
> I have a datagrid with editable cells which are bound to Number-like 
> properties of an object. I want to display these values using the 
> CurrencyFormatter. I want to edit these as Numbers without the dollar
> sign.
> I am trying to make these renders/editors "lightweight" because the grid
> has a lot of columns and rows(its basically a spreadsheet) so i'm trying
> to use actionscript to extend rather than using composition and 
> containers in MXML.
> I have an item editor that extends TextInput.
> I have a renderer that extends Label.
> The renderer displays its value correctly as $100.00.
> The editor updates the property of the object when I mouse click outside
> of the cell.
> My gridcolumn has:
> dataField="columnOne"
> itemEditor="path.to.editor"
> itemRender="path.to.renderer"
> editorDataField="newValue"
> newValue is a function of my editor that returns the updated value, it 
> seems to be doing the right thing as I can see the value updated in the 
> set function of my object.
> I'm not really sure what my render should look like code-wise. I have 
> something like the following at the moment.
> class renderer extends Label{
> public function set data(value:Object):void{
> if (value != null){
> super.data = value;
> text = formatter.format(text);
> }
> }
> }
> Any ideas where Ive gone wrong or what I might have missed?
> cheers,
> shaun


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