Hey guys,
I guess there is a bug in Flex code. When setting the
DataGridColumn.width property programmatically the setter method of
DataGridColumn.width calls the resizeColumn method of DataGrid.

     public function set width(value:Number):void
         // remove any queued equal spacing commands
         explicitWidth = value;
         // use this value for future measurements
         preferredWidth = value;
         if (owner != null)
             // if we aren't resizing as part of grid layout, resize it's
             var oldVal:Boolean = resizable;
             // anchor this column to not accept any overflow width for
accurate sizing
             resizable = false;
             owner.resizeColumn(colNum, value);
             resizable = oldVal;
             // otherwise, just store the size
             _width = value;
         dispatchEvent(new Event("widthChanged"));

In this method the colNum is used as index for the visibleFields, which
contain the fields that are visible at the moment on the screen. So I
get a nullpointer exception when setting for example the width of the
5th column, when only 4 columns are shown in the grid because
Scrollpolicy is "auto" and all columns don't fit on one screen.

      *  @private
      *  If there is no horizontal scroll bar, changes the display width
of other columns when
      *  one column's width is changed.
      *  @param col column whose width is changed
      *  @param w width of column
     mx_internal function resizeColumn(col:int, w:Number):void
         // there's a window of time before we calccolumnsizes
         // that someone can set width in AS
         if (!visibleColumns || visibleColumns.length == 0)

         if (w < visibleColumns[col].minWidth)
             w = visibleColumns[col].minWidth;

         // hScrollBar is present
         if (_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON ||
             _horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)
             // adjust the column's width
             visibleColumns[col].explicitWidth = w;
             columnsInvalid = true;

             // we want all cols's new widths to the right of this to be
in proportion
             // to what they were before the stretch.

             // get the original space to the right not taken up by the
             var totalSpace:Number = 0;
             var n:int = visibleColumns.length;
             var lastColumn:DataGridColumn;
             var i:int;
             var newWidth:Number;
             //non-resizable columns don't count though
             for (i = col + 1; i < n; i++)
                 if (visibleColumns[i].resizable)
                     totalSpace += visibleColumns[i].width;

             var newTotalSpace:Number = visibleColumns[col].width - w +
             if (totalSpace)
                 visibleColumns[col].explicitWidth = w;

             var totX:Number = 0;
             // resize the columns to the right proportionally to what
they were
             for (i = col + 1; i < n; i++)
                 if (visibleColumns[i].resizable)
                     newWidth = Math.floor(visibleColumns[i].width
                                                 * newTotalSpace /
                     if (newWidth < visibleColumns[i].minWidth)
                         newWidth = visibleColumns[i].minWidth;
                     totX += visibleColumns[i].width;
                     lastColumn = visibleColumns[i];

             if (totX > newTotalSpace)
                 // if excess then should be taken out only from changing
                 // cause others would have already gone to their minimum
                 newWidth = visibleColumns[col].width - totX +
                 if (newWidth < visibleColumns[col].minWidth)
                     newWidth = visibleColumns[col].minWidth;
             else if (lastColumn)
                 // if less then should be added in last column
                 // dont need to check for minWidth as we are adding
                 lastColumn.setWidth(lastColumn.width - totX +
         itemsSizeChanged = true


I use this to automatically set the width of the columns to fit their
entries. Does anyone else have the same problem? Is there a known
workaround for this problem?


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