Hello listers,

I am taking my first stab at Flex and have what probably is a simple

I have a set of images and I want to display them by rotate thru on a
once every second. I have it working with an:

<mx:Image id="testImage">

and I have a timer that updates the source parameter on every tick.
This creates a sudden change on the image every timer tick.

I want a smoother transition so I added:

<mx:Fade id="fadeOut" duration="500" alphaTo="0.0"
<mx:Fade id="fadeIn" duration="500" alphaTo="1.0"
<mx:Image id="testImage" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" />

With this the image is displayed for the duration of a timer tick
after which the visible property is set to false triggering the
fadeOut() after which the image source is switched with setNextImage()
and visibility is set to true. Once the fadeIn() takes place  the
timer is restarted for another tick once again.

This last one does not work but do not understand why. What I see
happening is that the image fadeOut() once, the source var is updated,
the visible property is set to true but the new image does not display

What am I missing?



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