This was a bug in the Tree.

I thought the killed it in 2.0.1.

It has to do with the tween not blocking the scrolling.

You can hack a tree and fix it also.

I think I overrode the scrollHandler method and returned if the tween
instance was not null.

Peace, Mike

On 18 Apr 2007 16:42:48 -0700, astronaute75 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello everybody,

If i put Tree labels on 2 lines, with \n separator, users can scroll
down labels...

A friend of mine who is on Vista with latest flash player and Firefox,
cant see the bug.

Can you please tell me if you have same problem, and if yes, tell me
the OS/browser you are using.

Thank you in advance !

Steps :
1 - expand the node
2 - keep the mouse cursor over label and scroll up and down


source here :


Teoti Graphix

Blog - Flex2Components

You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.

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