I am interested in finding out more about the PDF capabilities with LiveCycle Data Services. Is there anyone who has dug deeper into this and can help? Specifically, I would like to know:

1) Can LCDS take XDP files made in LiveCycle Designer and intelligently merge them with XML to create PDFs? (I notice in the java code in the LCDS sample, the pdf is hard coded as a '.pdf' file.)

2) Is there any other way to make the PDF/XDP templates other than LiveCycle Designer?

3) Does the client need Acrobat Reader to open the generated PDF's or will Mac Preview open them? (I had trouble opening them with Preview)/

Has anyone done more extensive demo apps with PDF generation other than the one shipped with LCDS?

I have called a number of reps at Adobe and nobody seems to know much about the capabilities of this new addition to Data Services.

Thanks for any additional info on this.

- Kevin

On Apr 20, 2007, at 5:19 PM, David Mendels wrote:


for (1), suggest the iFrame approach that many have used for integrating with HTML. for (2), this surprises me and it doesn't sound right. I'll defer to others on that team to answer, but it is late on a Friday and not sure if someone will see this before the weekend (the FDS team is largely on Eastern Daylight Time).


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 3:09 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] LiveCycle Data Services & PDF

I have been looking at the LCDS PDF creation capabilities and I have
found that the PDF's created,

1) Cannot be previewed in the flex app, which means that the user has
to deal with annoying popups etc...

2) Cannot be viewed in OSX Preview. Unfortunately, in my case, over
50% of my end users are running OS X and thus do not have Reader
installed AND furthermore expect to be able to open PDF's in
Preview. Does anyone know of a server-side conversion to make the
PDF's compatible with Preview. Is this something that we would have
to purchase LiveCycle Forms to accomplish?

I love the integration of PDF in to Flex DS, I am just hoping that it
can go further since right now it seems like there are still
significant limitations. Has anyone else run into these problems and
found workarounds?

- Kevin

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