You go it!

Remember you can always use the free version of FDS, called FDS Express which 
runs on one CPU - thus one server. If your server is powerful enough then you 
might get away with it if you dont have that many users. You can always use 
HTTPService or WebService calls, but you will be hit with performance issues in 
the long run, not to mention dealing with complex data in those 2 scenarios 
will be a bit of a pain as well.

Dimitrios Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Scott Hoff
Sent: Tue 4/24/2007 5:28 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Inserting data from Flex: FDS vs. HTTPService vs. 


I'm clearly a beginner and I'm trying to get a grasp on the best
ways to develop applications in flex.

The applications that I develop mostly interface with databases. I have
been really impressed with all of the information and examples of Flex
Data Services and its advantages.  However, I understand that there are
licensing issues and limits on concurrent users.

So far I can only think of three ways that you can add content to a
database from within a flex application:

    * Use HTTPService. I figure I can      store the information that I
want to post and then submit it via      querystring to an HTTP Service
that would then insert the record and then return      an event after
the inserting was complete.       If I knew it was complete, I would
then call for the datasource to      be refreshed.
    * Use Remote Object: In this      scenario, I would use
Coldfusion/Java and Remote Objects in order to do      the inserting.  I
guess I would      follow the same process. After a successful insert, I
would call for a new      download of all of the data and the updated
dated would be populated      throughout the datagrid.
    * Use      Flex Data Services: (I know the explanation is poor) I
would post via a      proxy and upon the inserting of the information
the flex data services      would then update the current applications
that a change had been made at      the data would then be updated and
automatically reflected in the      applications that would be using the

First of all, is this even close to a good description of the options
one has while inserting data from a flex application?

If I don't forsee the company that I work with being able to pay
20,000 dollars so that we can have 300+ users concurrently using flex
data services, should I automatically decide against using flex data

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