Thankyou all... I have a solution:

Sadly, Menu implementation "controls" menu-out-of-bounds, with the
code posted upper:

from , ...)
    // Adjust for menus that extend out of bounds
    if (this != getRootMenu())
        var shift:Number = x + width - screen.width;
        if (shift > 0)
            x = Math.max(x - shift, 0);


As you can see, This piece of code can only control the right edge of
the screen... so it can result useless.

Thanks to you, now, I use onShow event and callLater to play a custom

Here is my code:

//this function is called in the eventListener(onShow)
private function processAfter(event: MenuEvent): void {
    //root menu is an exception in my schema.
    if ( != null){
        var current_menu: Menu =;
        var menu_height: int = current_menu.height;
        var menu_width: int = current_menu.width;

        /*system execute the show function before the menu can be in
its correct place, I use these two lines to avoid menu can be
visualized (perhaps, it is not necessary) */
        current_menu.height = 0;
        current_menu.width = 0;
        this.callLater(this.moveSubmenu, [current_menu, menu_height,

private function moveSubmenu(current_menu: Menu, menu_height: int,
menu_width: int): void {
    var bottom_edge_menu: int = this.rootMenu.y+this.rootMenu.height;
    var submenu_edge: int = current_menu.y + menu_height;
    var pixels_upper: int = 0;

    if (limite_inferior_menu < limite_menu) {
        pixels_upper= (submenu_edge - bottom_edge_menu);

    /*restoring menu height and width*/
    current_menu.height = menu_height;
    current_menu.width = menu_width;

    var animate_menu: Sequence = new Sequence();
    /* here comes animation sequence creation, using pixels_upper to
move up current_menu.y position*/[current_menu]);


I will continue looking for new solutions for this problem.

Thankyou very much for this help.

J Pablo

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