LOL, I hope not... world domination seems a little extreme for a 
compiler, debugger, component framework and the other bits and pieces...

The discussion has been interesting though. I really like the idea that 
developers could weave their own components into the framework:

See Ryan Stewart:

But what interests me most is how Adobe will go open source but still 
retain control as they gradually allow people outside the company to run 
with "sub projects" within the Flex system. (Again see Ryan's article.)

I hope taking Flex open source is a huge success because I'd like to see 
Adobe do something similar with the player. (To "RULE THE WORLD" in 
Greg's terms?) My guess (and I really don't know) is that many people in 
Adobe can't imagine how they would take the player open source in a 
meaningful way. It is a highly optimized and size-constrained piece of 
code. For example one question would be how could Adobe begin to provide 
the community with a way to own sub projects?

One tantalizing possible answer is for Adobe to look at re-engineering 
the player to adopt an extension mechanism of some type. The strategy is 
risky because no one wants an Acrobat player experience for Flash but it 
could solve a lot of problems. There was a fitc session that I couldn't 
attend where I understand the Flash player group asked for comments on 
what to put into the player in the future. I imagine there were all 
sorts of requests like hardware accelerated 3D, screen sharing, and 
better video codecs. It's hard for Adobe to add those sorts of things 
quickly without a player extension mechanism. It's probably impossible 
for them to keep the player size small and add many of the big important 
things designers and developers want.

So it seems there are a lot of good drivers for going with introducing a 
more extensible/modular architecture for the player:

1.    it provides an opportunity for real participation in an eventual 
open source initiative for the player
2.    the player becomes more agile (and therefore competitive) with 
smaller extensions coming out in-between major player upgrade cycles
3.    Adobe can add newer more powerful features to the player without 
bloating the initial download size much more. Extensions would have to 
download once as needed.

There are probably a lot of reasons folks inside Adobe know about for 
not doing this that I'm not aware of. For example another thing no one 
wants to see is a Windows Media Player experience where the player 
announces it can't find the right codec to play your video. But if those 
things could be overcome this note is my personal request to Adobe to 
continue the process you started with AS3 and make it happen for the 
player too.


greg h wrote:

> Oh, and now I better understand why the name change on Flex Data 
> Services to LiveCycle Data Services.
> g

Brian Lesser
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