Imay be a little late here, but no, its not only for calling backend. Anytime 
you want encapsulate some UI logic, put it in a command. Even if it just to 
manipulate data, update the view or to call the server-side.
Dimitrios Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bnsmeets
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 5:57 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Cairngorm, is this suitable as Cairngorm "event"

Hi all,

Wondering if the Cairngorm events are supposed to be only events that
need backend comunication.

Situation now is that I have a Model, which contains e.g.
"SelectedObject". I use this var to store the selected object by users
in the interface.

No problems so far. But now I want to be able to let the user "clear"
that selectedobject. I am tempted to just use
AppModel.SelectedObject=null in a view. But the thought is running in
my head that it might be neater to create a
"SelectedObjectClearedEvent" and attach a command to that which
contains the logic if it is possible to clear it.

Question in the bigger picture is this: Are cairngorm events "as is"
supposed to be used only when there is a "I want to call backend"-
event? Or are View related events (or any other events in that matter)
supposed to be Cairngorm events too?

And on top of that, how do you (Cairngorm users out there) give your
other events a place in your structure?

For example, my model also dispatches a custom event which has nothing
to do with the backend. I use it to listen to any changes in a
Collection (Default ArrayCollection events didn't do the trick).

Tx in advance,


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