hmm...I have never seen such problem?

What do you see if you look at HTTP traffic using firebug or

Do you recieve same or different data before it goes to Flash Player?


On 4/27/07, manfred.maierhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hey guys,
I have a really strange problem.

I use SOAP webservices to access data from a SAP server. The problem
is, I get different resultsets in IE and Firefox.

There are no error messages or anything comparable.

I use an event handler to read the data form the webservice result
event into a internal model variable. If I debug and set a breakpoint
to read the data directly from the result event the tables have
different entrys. In one column in Firefox a few row items are just
cleared instead of filled with text as in IE.

Has anybody already seen comparable problems??

Thanks for any suggestion, I am really confused.


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