On 4/26/07, kyle.vanvranken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> UPDATE: So it would seem the hack method of forcing garbage collection
> for my test was actually causing the trouble.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> try {
>   new LocalConnection().connect('foo');
>   new LocalConnection().connect('foo');
> } catch (e:*) {}
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Without that code it seems to be working nicely now. I've had a test
> app running on my machine now for a bit with a timer every couple
> seconds reloading the simple module and it appears to be working as
> intended now. I don't really understand why forcing GC was causing it
> to eat up more memory then not forcing, but I am sufficiently
> satisfied that it seems to be working.

How are you sure that the hack was actually causing GC?  Is that
documented anywhere?


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