At fitc Ted Patrick announced that Flex 3 will have platform-neutral 
support for data integration with .Net, Java, PHP, etc.. see Aral 
Balkan's notes from the keynote:

http://aralbalkan. com/922 <>

/*"I'm very excited about the back-end neutrality and the additional
language intelligence in Flex Builder 3. Refactoring support is going to
be a huge productivity booster and the integrated profiler should prove
very useful.*/"

I don't know exactly what that means - we'll have to wait and see.

mvbaffa wrote:

> I beleive that Adobe wants to increase its participation in
> the software development market. .NET is very good and its number of
> developers is huge. That's why they should not be fogotten.
> This at least is naive.
> Adobe has one thing that Microsoft does not have, FLASH. This is the
> key to success if it is well conducted.
> I do not care about politics. I really do not care which is the winner
> Microsoft or Adobe. The winner will be the one that can deploy good and
> affordable products.

Brian Lesser
Assistant Director, Application Development and Integration
Computing and Communications Services
Ryerson University
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