
I have a view stack with a bubble chart on one page and a set of
controls (sliders etc) on another.  At the moment I have a button
which causes one or the other to be shown and the user can switch back
and forth.

What I am looking for is a sexy transition between the two.  Ideally I
would have the whole display rotate around a vertical line in the
middle of the screen so that it apears that the user is looking at the
back of the display when they are using the controls.

Anyone care to give me a pointer about how I go about this?  I have
been looking at the rotate effect and transitions but am struggling to
make head or tail of it.  What I could do with is a good sample of
something similar.  I am hoping I don;t have to write a huge amount of
custom effect code, although I will go there if necessary.


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