No, you can't really do that without using javascript.

Have you looked at CSS, it sounds like you want a css selector to set
the display to none on objects @allowNetworking='all'...  I think even
to do that you'll need some javascript as I don't think all browsers
support that kind of selector.

--- In, "wdsnapper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Can someone tell me if it is possible to lookup DOM elements within
> the web page hosting a flex application?  If so, can I manipulate the
> DOM element from within my application without relying on javascript
> to do it?
> The page I am placing my swf on does not allow you to add javascript.
>  I want to show an item beneath my Flex app on pages that disallow
> scripting and restrict networking to internal.  I want to hide the
> element on pages that have allowNetworking set to "all".
> Can this be done and if so how?
> Thanks in advance.

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