I have a Panel that I have sized to be constrained at 10 pixels top, 
bottom, left and right so that it is flexible and based on the size of 
the browser.

Inside this I have a VBox that I want to be 100% the width of the Panel.

Inside this I have Labels that I want to be 20% of the width of the 
VBox, so that they are 5 of them evenly spaced across.

The text of this label maybe longer then can be displayed within the 
above constraints, that is fine and I want it to be truncated if it can 
not fit into the width equal to ~20% of the browser.

The trouble is that if I code all the above elements with percentages 
the labels will expand and push the parent VBox beyond the width of the 
Panel and I do not want this.

How can I constrain the widths of the Labels (or other 
containers|controls I may want to put at this level) so that it will not 
expand, without losing the flexibility of the overall design?

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