What is the best way to accomplish the following:

- User makes selection in simple form
- Based on selection, the Flex app would THEN load the proper swf
(library assets that are movieclips)
- Library movieclips (class instances) to be used in Flex containers as

I understand and have tried the Flex to Flash Kit but i don't think this
is the route to go as this would load all the many swfs in at the start
of the app?? Also i could embed the movieclip symbols using embed method
but does this load the entire swf when first referencing a single class?
I'm thinking that using the Loader class is the way to go for this as I
could offer a preloader to client - but then not sure how to access

I need help understanding how all these methods differ in terms of how
swf's are loaded and dealt with within Flex. Help!!!

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