Hi Lucas,

You're seeing what is known as "pass by reference". Basically,
everything but primitive types (String, Number, Boolean, etc) get a
reference to the original object passed, rather than a copy, when you
do something like B = A. You might be able to use ObjectUtil.copy() to
accomplish what you want, but I'm not sure off the top of my head.

I would also suggest searching the docs for "pass by reference" as its
a fundamental concept you would be well served to thoroughly understand.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Lucas Pereira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Today I have this beginner question.
> If I create Object A of ArrayCollection for instance.
> And the create Object B also Array Collection, and Make B = A (it
> safes a lot of time and code, specially when the other object is a
> custom one).
> If I add an item to B, that item is also added to A.
> Other example. I have the class Guy with properties 1stName and 2ndName.
> If A is instance of Guy and B is also instance of Guy and I want it to
> have the same 1stName has A is do B = A.
> Problem... If I make B.2ndName = "somename"... A object 2ndName also
> changes to "somename".
> I don't want this!!! I only want B = A at the beginning and then I
> want to be free to change be without changing A.
> How to get around this?
> Thanks
> And sorry for this silly question!!!

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