--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Manish Jethani"
> On 5/8/07, Mike_Robinson_98 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has anyone come up with a good way to let a user move up/down in an
> > editable column of a datagrid using the keyboard? These columns use a
> > TextInput as the itemEditor.
> >
> > Right now I use a handler for the keyFocusChangeEvent on the datagrid
> > to handle TAB and Shift-TAB keys to move horizontally through the
> > rows. However, moving up/down in the columns is more difficult because
> > the editor's TextInput captures the Return key and the
> > TextFieldAutomationHelper class captures all the other interesting
> > keystrokes (navigation keys like UP and DOWN arrows) and it seems the
> > DataGrid is only interested in the TAB key when it handles focusChange
> > events.
> This simple test worked for me:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>       xmlns="*">
>       <mx:DataGrid id="dg" editable="true" keyDown="handleKeyDown()">
>               <mx:dataProvider>
>                       <mx:Object name="foo" value="1" />
>                       <mx:Object name="bar" value="2" />
>               </mx:dataProvider>
>       </mx:DataGrid>
>       <mx:Script>
>               private function handleKeyDown():void
>               {
>                       var v:Object = dg.editedItemPosition;
>                       v.rowIndex++;
>                       dg.editedItemPosition = v;
>               }
>       </mx:Script>
> </mx:Application>
> Use the down arrow key to move from foo to bar.
Thanks a lot for the reply. That is a nice, simple solution. 

I have one more slight problem along this line maybe you could shed
some light on. In my app, I use the endEdit function for the datagrid.
Unfortunately, although I move the focus to the column in the new row,
the endEdit code gets call after this focus occurs and consequently
focus is lost. I have tried 'callLater' for the focus method but have
the same result. Even, setup a timer to delay the focus for 200 ms.
Still endedit come along and focus is lost. Have you or any other
reader run into this issue?

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