Hey Mike,

It helps decouple the view and controller.
If you hard hard-wire your view to controller you are essentially adding just logic to your view.

There's been talk around 'ditching' the controller out of MVC and a lot of developers have. Check this post, http://weblogs.macromedia.com/sho/archives/2005/08/ flexflash_archi.cfm

In terms of Delegates i find it a useful link between commands and remote services. Although i haven't yet applied this to FDS, or a 'producer, consumer' process.



On 09/05/2007, at 1:51 PM, munkydung wrote:

I've currently building a medium-large size application in Flex using
Cairngorm. I've already decided not to use 'delegates'. Instead, I'm
just updating the 'model' from within 'commands'. Now I'm seeing a
pattern where each 'event' I create is just a container for a data
structure to a 'command'. Also, it seems the mapping of 'events' is
one-to-one for 'commands'.

So, my question is, why not just do away with the 'events' and have
views call 'command.execute()'?

Someone talk me out of this...


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