First make sure u have build simple Flex apps and understand the little things 
about Flex. 

Secondly, read the 6 page article by Stephen to understand what Cairngorm is 
and how it works. Dont worry about version numbers, v0.99 and v2.1 and almost 
identical. It is a micro-architecture, it is so small and simple. Then start a 
small Flex app that will use Cairngorm, create a View, a Model, a Command, a 
Delegate put it all together, run it and then watch it all work. If you keep it 
simple you should get the hang of it pretty fast.


Dimitrios Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Nate Pearson
Sent: Wed 5/9/2007 2:28 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] How to learn Caringorm
What is the best way to learn Caringorm?

I want to learn Caringorm.  I only make flex apps internally for my
company.  My "problem" is that everyone loves flex; I would call it
scope creep but it's more like scope run.  The bigger the apps get,
the more visible they are and the more people want them.  

I am sold on the Caringorm method of separating things out and making
it very modular.  I am excited about learning it and I think it will
make my more productive.

Now my problem is the learning curve.  I have visited  The first thing on the list is the six-part
article from adobe consulting.  I've read the first part and it raises
my concerns when it talks about the upcoming release of flex 2 and it
references Caringorm .99 (it's on 2.1 now!).  I have 0 experience with
Flex before version 2 and I'm afraid that learning an older version of
the framework might hinder my development.

The other two learning tools that they list are the Caringorm Diagram
and the Caringorm Diagram Explorer.  Now in theory I understand what
is going on.  In practice these diagrams don't help me implement the
Caringorm framework.  I feel they are geared more towards people who
already have a good foundation.

My third option is the examples.  This is my next plan of attack, I'm
going to go after the basic example and try to duplicate it in a
project that I'm working on.

So community; what do you guys think is the best way to learn Caringorm?

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