Hi, simple problem.  I have a strongly-typed VO with a property
"value" as a Number on the Flex side, and a Double on the Java side. 
In the database the value is, let's say 5.20, but when I view the data
in a DataGrid it "floors" the value to 5.

I'm using a dataService to fill the ArrayCollection that holds the VOs
and the VO class in ActionScript does have the [Managed]
[RemoteClass(alias=""] syntax.  This works fine for all the data types
I've used so far until I got to Number.

I figure it's something simple I'm doing wrong, like maybe not
specifying the number of decimal points that should be displayed?

Also, in a related question, what's the best way to have the user
input a Number value into a text input field, since TextInput.text is
String data?


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