Hi All,

    I have two buttons in a buttonbar, and in one button I have to make a 
triangle in upward direction and in other a triangle in downward direction to 
show up and down directions. I tried the following code but was not able to get 
the triangle.

Here is what i did:

            var a:Array = new Array();

            var temp:Object = new Object();
            temp["labelField"] = "First";
            temp["iconField"] = TriangleDownSkin;

            temp = new Object();
            temp["labelField"] = "Second";
            temp["iconField"] = TriangleUpSkin;
            buttonBar.labelField = "labelField";
            buttonBar.iconField = "iconField";
            buttonBar.dataProvider = a;

                and "TriangleUpSkin" class  is implemented as below: 

    public class TriangleUpSkin extends ProgrammaticSkin
        public function TriangleUpSkin()
        override protected function updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void{
              var g:Graphics = graphics;
            g.moveTo(w / 2,h/4);
            g.lineTo((3*w)/4, (3*h)/4);
            g.lineTo(w / 4,(3*h)/4);
            g.lineTo(w / 2,h/4 );

i cannot embed any file, is there anyway i can create triangle?

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