Hello Barry, can you send me the download link or the swc of that HTML
component because i need a non-apollo HTML component for my Flex app.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "barry.beattie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm using the HTML component in IFRAME mode on a canvas with other
> controls.
> When ever I click a button, the HTML content disappears within the
> HTML component. clicking on the component itself returns focus and the
> HTML appears again.
> I've also got other controls - sliders - that has no effect. Also
> tried mouseUp() instead of click(). no improvement
> the sample (link above) is a bit deceptive: the buttons there directly
> give the control focus back. My use just leaves the IFRAME sitting
> there independent of the actions on the rest of the canvas.
> can anyone suggest things to try to pin-point exactly where the
> problem might be? I'm using it pretty simply, nothing fancy.
>       <mx:Canvas width="800" height="600" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF">
>               <mx:TabNavigator width="780" height="580" x="10" y="10">
> <!-- Diagnostic Tool -->                      
>                       <mx:Canvas label="Diagnostic Tool" width="100%" 
> height="100%" >
>                               <mx:VBox width="100%">
>                               <!--- HTML COMPONENT as IFRAME -->      
>                                       <ns1:HTML height="330"  
> elementType="iframe" source="{bookmark}"
> id="myframe2" width="100%"/>
>                               </mx:VBox>
>                               <mx:Panel width="100%"  height="50%" 
> id="pnl_dataEntry" 
> title="Please Rate Your Response Here" y="331">
>                                       <mx:HBox width="100%" 
> verticalAlign="middle"
> horizontalAlign="center">     
>                                               <mx:Text text="[EMAIL 
>                                               <mx:TextArea width="80%" 
> height="100%" id="questionText" 
>                                                       text="[EMAIL 
>                                       </mx:HBox>
>                                       <mx:HBox width="100%" 
> verticalAlign="middle"
> horizontalAlign="center">
>                                               <mx:Text text="cursor 
> index:{cursor}" width="10%"/>
>                                               <mx:Button label="|&lt;" 
> id="btnFirst" click="first()" />
>                                               <mx:Button label="&lt;&lt;" 
> id="btnBack" click="back()" />
>                                               <!--   -->
>                                               <mx:HSlider value="[EMAIL 
> focusOut="onRatingChange( event )" minimum="0" maximum="10"
> snapInterval="1"/>
>                                               <!-- ALTERNATIVE DATA ENTRY
>                                               <mx:TextInput id="txtWeight"
> focusOut="onRatingChange( event )" />
>                                               -->             
>                                               <mx:Button label="&gt;&gt;" 
> id="btnNext" click="next()"/>
>                                               <mx:Button label="&gt;|" 
> id="btnLast" click="last()"/>
>                                               <mx:Text text="rating:[EMAIL 
> width="10%"/>         
>                                       </mx:HBox>
>                               </mx:Panel>
>                       </mx:Canvas>
> <!-- Reporting -->
>                       <mx:Canvas label="Reporting" width="100%" height="100%">
>                       </mx:Canvas>
> <!-- Policy Document -->                      
>                       <mx:Canvas label="Policy Document" width="100%" 
> height="100%">
>                               <ns1:HTML width="100%" height="100%"  
> elementType="iframe"
> source="{policyDoc}" id="myframe"/>
>                       </mx:Canvas>
> <!-- Help -->         
>                       <mx:Canvas label="Help" width="100%" height="100%">
>                       </mx:Canvas>
> <!-- -->                      
>               </mx:TabNavigator>
>       </mx:Canvas>

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