I have isolated a problem that appears only when a SWF (built using 
Flex 2.0.1) runs under Macintosh:

The flex application reads a binary data package (serialized on a 
windows server) using an URLLoader
In that binary stream the server serialize things like numbers, 
single bytes and strings.
All is OK with the de-serialization of the data except with strings. 
They are serialized in a very simple way: first a byte containing the 
string's length and, then, the characters stream encoded 
using "Windows-1252".
When the application tries to de-serialize such a string, it first 
read the string's length (ByteArray.readByte) and then, it tries to 
read the "string body" using ByteArray.readMultiByte() method.
The result: when the client is a windows box (using firefox or MSIE) 
there is not any problem. However, when the client is a Mac box (OSX 
10.4 with FireFox) readMultiByte gives a different result each time 
it de-serialize the (same) binary stream.

The function where the problem is isolated is the following:

public function readString(binData:ByteArray):String
   var str:String="";
   var length:int = binData.readUnsignedByte();
   str = binData.readMultiByte(length, "Windows-1252");
   return str;

I think that I could get rid of the problem by reading each single 
string's character and applying my self the conversion from Windows-
1252 to UTF-8, but I would like to rely on ByteArray.readMultiByte.

Have anybody out there found also this problem?
Perhaps it is not a problem and I am doing something in the wrong 
way, Could anybody help?

Thanks in advance.

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