In your save and get methods, always init the mySO by doing "mySO = 
SharedObject.getLocal("testSO")"... I think you have to do this everytime.

Also I use SO as well and they do save the data type of a complex object when 
saving the object, so when u read it back, it is just of type Object. So 
careful with the XML.

Dimitrios Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of annespg
Sent: Thu 5/24/2007 12:51 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] problems with storing XML in SharedObject
I just joined this forum hoping I might get an answer since traffic 
on the Adobe Flex Forum seems pretty darn sparse.  I'm surprised 
since the Flash Forum is so active one can get several answers 
within hours and on the Flex Forum one can go months and never get 
an answer.  At any rate...

I am trying to store some XML in the SharedObject, but it doesn't 
seem to work. I think I'm getting it in there, but if I close the 
app and then try to retrieve it, it is null. I have the following 
test code. What the heck am I doing wrong?!?!?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""; 
layout="absolute" creationComplete="init()">
import valueObjects.CustomVO;

private var mySO:SharedObject;
private function init():void{
mySO = SharedObject.getLocal("testSO");

private function saveSO():void{
var obj:CustomVO = new CustomVO("test string",12345);
var tagname:String = "mytag"; 
var x:XML = <{tagname} name={} id={}/>; 
var test:CustomVO = CustomVO.buildCustomVOFromXML(x);
trace (test); //this works fine, so my x:XML variable seems fine =; = x;
// the debugger shows the data is in mySO fine at this point
private function getSO():void{
//if I close the application and then launch again and invoke this
//function the testString is there OK, but the testXMLData is null
var theData:Object =;
var theXML:XML =; //this comes back null
trace(theData); // shows [object Object]
trace(;// shows 'test string'
trace("test xml data: "+theXML.toXMLString()); // shows no data 
private function removeSO():void{
<mx:Button x="175" y="101" label="Save SharedObject" click="saveSO
<mx:Button x="175" y="165" label="Retrieve SharedObject" click="getSO
<mx:Button x="175" y="235" label="Remove SharedObject" 


package valueObjects{
public class CustomVO{
public var name:String;
public var id:Number;
public var timeStamp:Number;

public function CustomVO(name:String,id:Number){ = name; = id;
this.timeStamp = new Date().milliseconds;
public function toString():String{
return ("[CustomVO]" +name+","+id+","+timeStamp);
public static function buildCustomVOFromXML(item:XML):CustomVO{
var v:CustomVO = new CustomVO([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]);

return v;

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