Sorry, that is my spam filter kicking in and me not watching it. :-)

I'll try to do better and taking them out!


Colin Prince wrote:

Sorry off topic (the specific topic anyway)

Where is the {Disarmed} label coming from in the subject line? Any
chance of getting rid of it?


Jurgen Beck wrote:
> Welcome to the community, Dave, good to have you!
> Essentially, the key to what you are trying to do is split up your
> application into individual modules. It's a bit difficult to give you
> a link to a single source that will step you through the process,
> because there are a number of items you'll have to look into. Someone
> may have a few bits and pieces of write-ups, but essentially you will
> need to look for the following:
> - Working with modules in Flex
> - May need to look at Cairngorm for a unified approach for large
> applications
> Working with modules will allow you to essentially create smaller
> portions of your application that you can reuse (if needed), but will
> keep your code in your main application concise. Look at the
> documentation for information on modules in Flex.
> Jurgen
> Dave @ wrote:
>> Hello Flex Community,
>> I am a very experienced CF developer, and I want to get into Flex.
>> Perhaps it makes more sense to coem from Flash, however Adobe is
>> letting CF jobs disappear everywhere, so its time to upgrade my skill
>> set.
>> here is the issues I am running into.
>> Client Side Application:
>> Of course this is completely different than the Web where we have
>> sessions, Im used to the web, need to rethink to my old way of
>> thinking. But here is my issue, I want to make LARGE applications,
>> with many screens, and lots of functionality. How do I make an app
>> that has multiple screen, I really do not feel like having 100's of
>> objects on my MXML file waiting for visible = true to be set.
>> Where is a decent walk through on how to develop a major app, not a
>> resturant finder, an actual full blown application. I want to create
>> other screens, with their own functions, maybe some modules...
>> How do I make code, or set up my project so its not some huge mess of
>> code on one of few files?

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