It looks like views/ and TEST/add.png are in the same source
path.  In, You should be able to do this:


I found this link pretty useful (except for the bit about multiple
source paths):

--- In, "tddclare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think my issue is much more fundamental.
> I read about linking to common resource folders here:
> <>
> I created a linked folder in my project to a folder called "TEST" that
> has one .png file in it.
> My project Navigator looks like this:
> MyProject
> - views
> --
> - TEST
> -- add.png
> ...and TEST has the little "shortcut folder" icon next to it as I would
> suspect.
> Inside, I tried to embed the png file:
> [Embed(source="../TEST/add.png")]
> but it could not find it.
> Can you not use Flex Builder's own linked folders to embed files?

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