this is my OnClick function:

private function onClickCanali(obj:Object, xmlFile:String):void
        var lb:LinkButton;

        for each (lb in lbCanali)
                lb.enabled = true       
        obj.enabled = false;


as you can see, i need to pass parameters to it, don't see another 
way to do it. I have vertical linkbuttons that i'm using like if i 
had a vertical linkbar. when i disable a linkbutton, the others get 
enabled. just like the linkbar does.

and this is the xml that calls the func:

<mx:Repeater id="rCanali" dataProvider="{xmlCanali.canale}">
<mx:LinkButton id="lbCanali" label="{rCanali.currentItem.title}" 
width="100%" textAlign="left" click="onClickCanali
(event.currentTarget, event.currentTarget.getRepeaterItem

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