Hi Alex,

        I tried to use invalidateList() but it didn't worked out, I also tried 
out calling updateList() but it was also giving error when i change the 
fontsize again and again. finally i registered a upadateComplete event and 
wrote following and it worked. 
private function updateCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void{
    while(rowInfo.length > listItems.length){

    I don't know if this is correct or not but it is working for me.

----- Original Message ----
From: Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2007 1:20:08 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Help !!! Getting error when change RowHeight and then 
Scroll Datagrid



Try calling invalidateList( ) (not
invalidateDisplayLi st()) after you change the font size


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
[mailto:flexcoders@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf
Of arpan srivastava

Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007
10:07 AM

To: Flex Coders

Subject: [flexcoders] Help !!!
Getting error when change RowHeight and then Scroll Datagrid


Hi All,

    I have a datagrid in which rowheight depends upon the
fontSize. If i increase the fontSize rowheight increases and if i decrease the
font size rowheight decreases. but at runtime when i change the fontsize , and
scroll the grid i get error.I observed that when rowheight changes rowInfo is
not updated like listItems.

At this time 

rowInfo = 14 

listItems = 10 

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.

  at mx.controls. listClasses: :ListBase/ mx.controls. listClasses: ListBase: 
:scrollVerticall y()[C:\dev\ flex_201_ gmc\sdk\framewor ks\mx\controls\ 
listClasses\ ListBase. as:5346]

  at mx.controls: :DataGrid/ mx.controls: DataGrid: :scrollVerticall 
y()[C:\dev\ flex_201_ gmc\sdk\framewor ks\mx\controls\ DataGr!
id. as:1923]

  at mx.controls. listClasses: :ListBase/ set
verticalScrollPosit ion()[C:\ dev\flex_ 201_gmc\sdk\ frameworks\ mx\controls\ 
listClasses\ ListBase. as:1043]

  at mx.controls: :DataGrid/ mx.controls: DataGrid: :scrollHandler( )[C:\dev\ 
flex_201_ gmc\sdk\framewor ks\mx\controls\ DataGrid. as:1720]

  at flash.events: :EventDispatcher /flash.events: EventDispatcher: 
:dispatchEventFu nction()

  at flash.events: :EventDispatcher /dispatchEvent( )

  at mx.core::UIComponen t/dispatchEvent( )[C:\dev\ flex_201_ gmc\sdk\framewor 
ks\mx\core\ UIComponent. as:8323]

  at mx.controls. scrollClasses: :ScrollBar/h! ttp://www.adobe. com/2006/ 
flex/mx/internal ::dispatchScroll Event()[C: \dev\flex_ 201_gmc\sdk\ 
frameworks\ mx\controls\ scrollClasses\ ScrollBar. as:1096]

  at mx.controls. scrollClasses: :ScrollBar/http://www.adobe. com/2006/ 
flex/mx/internal ::lineScroll( )[C:\dev\ flex_201_ gmc\sdk\framewor 
ks\mx\controls\ scrollClasses\ ScrollBar. as:1058]

  at mx.controls. scrollClasses: :ScrollBar/ mx.controls. scrollClasses: 
ScrollBar: :downArrow_ buttonDownHandle r()[C:\dev\ flex_201_ gmc\sdk\framewor 
ks\mx\controls\ scrollClasses\ ScrollBar. as:1160]

  at flash.events: :EventDispatcher /flash.events: EventDispatcher: 
:dispatchEventFu nction()

  at flash.events: :EventDispatcher /dispatchEvent( )

  at mx.core::UIComponen t/dispatchEvent( )[C:\dev\ flex_201_ gmc\sdk\fr!
amewor ks\mx\core\ UIComponent. as:8323]

  at mx.controls: :Button/http://www.adobe. com/2006/ flex/mx/internal 
::buttonPressed( )[C:\dev\ flex_201_ gmc\sdk\framewor ks\mx\controls\ 
Button.as: 1988]

  at mx.controls: :Button/mx. controls: Button::mouseDow nHandler( )[C:\dev\ 
flex_201_ gmc\sdk\framewor ks\mx\controls\ Button.as: 2234]


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