ok, I see your point.  I did not look at it that way. So, it is a bug then.

ben.clinkinbeard wrote:
> Event metadata is definitely not ignored in AS. Take a look at just
> about any class in the framework and you'll see plenty [Event] tags.
> It is there specifically to provide code hinting and support for
> binding in MXML.
> The problem here is that the code completion engine is offering class
> constants that don't exist. They seem to be based on the constant
> value, with some reformatting applied to convert to all uppercase and
> inserting underscores anywhere there is a lowercase next to uppercase.
> So MyEvtClass.FLY = "flyAway" appears in the completion list as
> MyEvtClass.FLY_AWAY
> Ben
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
> <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>, Tony Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Jurgen,
> > I believe the problem here is that you are setting up a metadata tag on
> > your class in actionscript which is not needed and I think it was said
> > that Event meta tags are ignored by the compiler in ActionScript
> > classes. Someone here can clear that up for us. I am not sure why,
> but
> > it is only needed on MXML when setting up an event. Because you are
> > extending your class as an EventDispatcher, you only just need to
> > dispatch the event you are setting up.
> >
> > package components
> > {
> > import flash.events.Event;
> > public class MyClass extends EventDispatcher
> > {
> > public static const MY_EVENT:String = "myEvent";
> >
> > private function myFunction():void
> > {
> > dispatchEvent(new Event(MyClass.MY_EVENT));
> > }
> > }
> > }
> >
> > THEN you can instantiate a MyClass variable and add an event listener:
> > var mine:MyClass = new MyClass();
> > mine.addEventListener(MyClass.MY_EVENT,someHandlerFunction);
> >
> > The code assist is trying to show you the events on the event
> dispatcher
> > and there really is just the two by default (activate and deactivate).
> > Don't ask me why though. I always set up my Event types as constant
> > vars on my class, so I know I need to access them off my class name.
> > This should work the same way for custom Events also.
> >
> > Maybe an adobe flex expert can explain this better than I, but that is
> > my understanding.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Tony
> >
> > P.S. ( you were borrowing (some call it hijacking) another thread and I
> > think it was getting missed.)
> >
> > Jurgen Wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> > There seems to be an issue using a custom class' event metadata in an
> > addEventListener statement. Here is an example:
> >
> > package com.example
> > {
> >
> > import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
> >
> > [Event(name="myEvent", type="flash.events.Event")]
> >
> > public class MyClass extends EventDispatcher
> > {
> >
> > // class code
> >
> > private function myFunction():void
> > {
> > dispatchEvent(new Event("myEvent"));
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> > When using an instance of that class and creating an addEventListener in
> > code (not using it with MXML tags) Flex Builder's code assist lists the
> > event, but splits it apart and shows it as Event.MY_EVENT.
> >
> > That of course throws a compiler error.
> >
> > Is this by design and how would we work with an event in a custom class
> > using the [Event...] metatag?
> >
> > I haven't checked to see if this is different with a custom event. I'll
> > check on that next, but I wanted to see if anyone has run into this
> > problem before.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jurgen
> >

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