OK, so getting the default style colour still doesn't help when using
multiple instances of the itemRenderer. It still resets back to the
first fill colour when used:

the problem (as I see it) is that I'm using the renderer on multiple
BarSeries but can't apply it to the whole BarSet.

either that or I can't say "the last BarSeries used "X" fill colour,
use the next one in the FILLS array"


<BarChart id="chart" width="100%" height="100%"
<BarSet type="stacked">
<BarSeries xField="costs"
itemRenderer="examples.customizing.LabeledRenderer2" />
<BarSeries xField="overhead"
itemRenderer="examples.customizing.LabeledRenderer2" />
<BarSeries xField="oneTime"
itemRenderer="examples.customizing.LabeledRenderer2" />
<CategoryAxis categoryField="month" />

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