I'm working on a charting project, and we're rendering some extra
objects in the chart to represent different data in the actual series
using the DataDrawingCanvas. Basically, what I'd like to do is on
mouseover of one of those custom components, trigger a specific data
point's toolTip. What I've done so far is store the actual data to the
component, so I can recall it from the event handler and then use
findDataPoints to get the data point to trigger the toolTip on.
Currently I do get points back, which is a good sign, but I can't seem
to trigger the correct event to show the toolTip/dataTip.

        var myData:Object = (event.target as FlowArrow).data;
        var myLocation:Point = bigChart.dataToLocal(myData.time,myData.avg);
        var hitRay:Array =  bigChart.findDataPoints(myLocation.x,myLocation.y);
        if(hitRay.length > 0){
                var myTrigger:ChartItemEvent = 
                (hitRay[0] as HitData).chartItem.dispatchEvent(myTrigger);

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