I could really do with some help on this one.


I have a screen (State) in my application that displays some custom mxml
components using a repeater. The first time I come to this screen, all the
data appears correctly. However if I navigate away from this screen to
another screen (State), then return to it, all that appears is a scroll bar,
with no custom components appearing.


I would appreciate if anyone can take a peek at my code below to try and
identify the problem. Perhaps this is a problem others have experienced?


The relevant code is as follows:


<mx:State name="ComponentFolderScreen" basedOn="QualificationSummaryScreen">

                <mx:RemoveChild target="{qualificationSummaryScreenDG}"/>


                <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{vbox1}" position="lastChild">

                <mx:Tile autoLayout="true" width="740" height="230"
id="tile1" borderStyle="none">


                <mx:Repeater id="productsRepeater"
dataProvider="{this.category1}" >


mouseOver="CFSMouseOver_Folder(event)" click="CFSClick_Folder(event)"
studentName='{productsRepeater.currentItem.productName + "(" +
productsRepeater.currentItem.productPrice + ")"}'
componentStatus='{productsRepeater.currentItem.componentStatus}' >











And here is the code that populates the ArrayCollection that is the


var ComponentFolderData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();


ComponentFolderData = _dataManager.returnComponentFolderData(componentCode);


var howManyObjects:uint = ComponentFolderData.length;


var objectInstance:Object = new Object();


category1 = new ArrayCollection();


for (var objectIndex:uint = 0; objectIndex < howManyObjects; objectIndex++)


    objectInstance.productName =

    objectInstance.componentStatus =



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