I'm capturing data from a text area, and binding it to an attribute in
an XMLListCollection before packing it up and shipping it off with
HTTPService to a PHP page. For whatever reason carriage returns are
being encoded as

& # x D ;    (pretend there's no whitespace)

which, as was pointed out to me, indicates we should interepret '#xD'
as a hexadecimal 'D', indicating decimal 15, the decimal value of the
ASCII carriage return. Why this encoding isn't just & # 1 5 ;   ,
which I guess would make way too much sense, is beyond me. I suspect
the same thing is happening for other special characters, so any
solution would need to handle the 'full' range of values.

Does anyone know how I can either 

A. Prevent Flex from using this encoding

B. Find a ready-made PHP4 compatible function to get rid of these things

Thank you very much.

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