TextFields, the basis/renderer for (almost) text controls in flex, allows
you to use embeded fonts or device fonts, but not both at the same time in a
given TextField.  See TextField.embedFonts in livedodcs for (minimally) more

- Dan Freiman

On 9/9/07, kiwicomposer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hi folks
> I'm having a problem with the RichTextEditor when using an embedded font
> in my application.
> When the font for TextArea is set to an embedded font, no device fonts
> will render in the RTE.  Typing when this font is selected just causes no
> characters to be displayed.
> Can be duplicated using the following code:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
> layout="absolute" historyManagementEnabled="true">
> <mx:Style>
> @font-face {
>     src: url(assets/fonts/Calibri.swf);
>     fontFamily: "Calibri";
> }
> @font-face {
>     src: url(assets/fonts/Calibri.swf);
>     fontFamily: "Calibri";
>     fontWeight: bold;
> }
> TextArea
> {
>     fontFamily:"Calibri";
>     fontSize: 13pt;
> }
> </mx:Style>
>     <mx:RichTextEditor  />
> </mx:Application>
> Using this code, try setting the font in the RTE to anything other than
> Calibri, and no text is rendered.
> I've seen posts on this group that discuss a similar problem (embedding
> Verdana, which possibly causes the device font to be shadowed), but that
> doesn't appear to be the case here.
> Any suggestions?
> Marty

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