You can use mx.utils.ArrayUtil.toArray()
ray()>  to ensure you're dealing with an array.  Or perhaps testing with
"if (testType is Array)" would smell a little better.  :)

--- In, "M@ Sheppard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong - I get an objectProxy back
> from a webservice with a list of items - sometimes the list is empty,
> sometimes it has 1 item, sometimes is has many.
> My code is "working," but it smells bad - I have to check if the
> object in question has a .length property - and access it differently.
> I am currently parsing this array like this:
> // Parse the icons
> var testType:Object = op.item;
> if (testType != null)
> {
> if (testType.length != null) //more than one group
> {
> for( var i:int; i<op.item; ++i)
> {
> foo( op.item[i]);
> }
> }
> else
> {
> foo(op.item);
> }
> }
> Thanks,
> M@

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