What version of the flashplayer are you using on mac? Have you tried a different version?


On Sep 14, 2007, at 11:43 PM, Patrick Lemiuex wrote:

i have the strangest situation, where my app works with flash media
server with flex, however only on PC. On any mac i get:

DEBUG_9] : The connection to the server has failed.
[DEBUG_8] : onNetStatusEvent: NetConnection.Connect.Failed
[DEBUG_7] : Connecting to socket server...
[DEBUG_6] : The connection to the server has failed.
[DEBUG_5] : onNetStatusEvent: NetConnection.Connect.Failed
[DEBUG_4] : Connecting to socket server...
[DEBUG_3] : The connection to the server has failed.
[DEBUG_2] : onNetStatusEvent: NetConnection.Connect.Failed
[DEBUG_1] : Connecting to socket server...

Any suggestions?


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