Tracy - it's always a single directory, no subfolders, so no hierarchy
concerns, I'd think. I've done some studying. Am I on the right track
by thinking I should use the cfdirectory tag, set to a list, turned
into a query variable, and pass that back to Flex as some sort of
object, which then becomes my CB dataProvider?

The actual folder WILL be based on a variable (i.e., it will be
something like: 

(particular user)/model/galleries/THIS or THAT gallery folder (with
.xml files in it - these .xml file titles are the content of the ComboBox)

...but that could, I hope, be given to CF on the fly by Flex, based on
who is in the system (roles) and what folder he/she is hoping to work
with and in fact everything except the actual gallery folder, I have
already gotten into XML, and so has a readily-available variable to
work with.

Is cfdirectory the right way to start?


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