var s:Sprite = mysprite;;,0,s.width, s.height)

that would work to get the bounds(rectangle)

If you just want an outline of the actual sprite itself, you may consider
using a 1pixel outer glow filter.

On 9/14/07, Jon Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Sep 14, 2007, at 12:32 PM, Troy Gilbert wrote:
> You're missing his point: he's got a shape (probably created in Flash)
> exported as an SWF, but its just an outline, and he wants to fill it.
> The answer: sorry, can't do it. You can't modify vector information
> exported out of Flash as an SWF. The vectors are all stored in MorphShapes
> which cannot be created at the ActionScript level and are relatively opaque.
> The only way you'd be able to do this would be to render the shape to a
> bitmap then do a flood fill (and hope that your shape is closed). So,
> something like this:
> Or read in a shape as an SWF file and figure out where the shape data is
> stored - parsing it out of a ByteArray.
> I'm working on trying to figure that out right now. Taking some serious
> diving in to the SWF spec to see how things are written into the file. It
> *should* be entirely possible to regenerate saved vector data from an SWF
> file (filling it back in once you have the path data).
> If I have success with reading vector data out of an SWF then I'll be a
> happy camper...
> - j

Arpit Mathur
Lead Software Engineer,
Comcast Interactive Media
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