That's pretty much it.

To a computer Math.cos(Math.PI/2) is not 0. It's really close to 0, because PI is an infinite sequence and a computer can "only" store it as a double precision floating point number (ie, a fixed value).

What you get back from this calculation is the error bound of the computer basically, which you can then use for numerical calculations, ie, MathLib.ERROR_BOUND = Math.cos(Math.PI/2). Then you can feasibly use if you need numerical accuracy.

IE, if result == MathLib.ERROR_BOUND, result = 0.

Numerical accuracy in AS2 is not equivalent to that of AS3. I ran into this while porting the Mersenne Twister algorithm to AS2 - I couldn't even store 2^32 as a hex value in AS2 (0x100000000, which equals 4294967296).

At least we can be somewhat numerically accurate now...

good luck,


On Sep 16, 2007, at 5:15 PM, Troy Gilbert wrote:

> Why does Math.cos(Math.PI/2) not return zero?

Round-off error in the Math libs? It does return a value very close to
0 (1.7xe-17).


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