I am creating a datagrid that uses a custom component in an item renderer to
display one of 3 images (symbols of an embedded swf)


The data grid columns are created dynamically. I can't figure out how to set
the value of imagePath inside this custom component. 


The symbol names are the same as the value for xmlColumn.localName();


Any help really appreciated!!





dgc = new DataGridColumn();

dgc.headerText = xmlColumn.localName();
dgc.itemRenderer=new ClassFactory(statusComponent); 
dgc.dataField = xmlColumn.localName();


My custom component is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="100"


[Embed('assets/icons.swf', symbol='incomplete')]
public var incomplete:Class;

[Embed('assets/icons.swf', symbol='awaitingSubmission')]
public var awaitingSubmission:Class;

[Embed('assets/icons.swf', symbol='submitted')]
public var submitted:Class;

public function set imagePath(value:String):void {




<mx:SWFLoader id="statusIcon3" x="5" y="6"/>


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